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Thursday, August 23, 2007

What This Is Here For

For a long time, I've had the idea, or philosophy, that if you can't find sometime on the web (or can't find it easily enough), then you should either add the information to the web once you do find it, via your blog or Wikipedia or any of the other cool ways of publishing information on the web) or at least point people in the right direction on how you eventually did find what you were looking for.

I do this to some extent in my other blog, Avoidance Central. For example, the posts about fixing my TV. Yes, I did eventually find the answer by asking questions on forums and extensive Googling, but what I didn't find was the pictures and the confidence to try it myself - something that I tried to share in publishing my story. So far, that has been a huge success. The comments on the article are full of people, many with no electronics background, who decided to save a few hundred dollars and take a screwdriver and soldering iron to their $1500 TV sets.

As I was reading Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder, I was further reminding of this idea, so I thought I would experiment with it and try to figure out the best way of entering, linking, labeling/tagging, publicizing, and promoting the information that I find.

So, each entry in this blog will, ideally, be a summary of something that I had to work hard to find the answer to. It may be a list of the web sites that I used to find the answer, or information about a book that I found it in. It may also be the results of not finding the answer by research, but finding it through experimentation (giving back). In some cases, it may be a plea for help if I can't find the answer (in which case it might be links to forums where I asked the questions, updated with the answers when and if I get them).

If you find something you need via this blog, let me know! Digg it! Link to it from other pages to help my PageRank! This is an experiment and I need data to see if it is worthwhile.

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